The Igloo

I grew up in Massachusetts, so I have a lot of experience with winter. But for some Tivnu 8 participants, our trip to Mt. Hood was their first time experiencing snow. And for that, there could be no better time.

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13th From the Couch

On Saturday evening we played kickball in Irving Park. We staggered back to the bayit (house) in groups, laughing, adjusting our rainbow of glow-stick jewelry, and recounting the events of the night…

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An Ode to Tivnu

We are all coping and dealing with Covid in our own way, but we are also sharing a collective experience – one that is undoubtedly unforgettable…

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Live, Laugh, Love, TriMet

I have the confidence to get to and from where I need to go, and now have the time to relax and learn things about the city I’m living in. …

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The Merits of Meeting New People

My friends in high school are my best friends, and have so much in common with me. I love those friends to death, and still keep in touch with all of them. They shaped my high school experience, and me as a person. So, going into Tivnu, I was curious how homogenous the makeup of participants would be….

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#throwbackthursday: The Beach at Camp Westwind

My feet hit the sand, the pounding of the rushing waves roared in my ears, and tinges of relief and nostalgia cascaded over me. The sudden reality of exploring Oregon’s coast with my Tivnu friends suddenly braided together with childhood memories of my family playing on the beach and a deep sense of familiarity, serenity, and home surged through me….

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Tivnu Outdoors

Being a participant in Tivnu 8 has already provided me with many fulfilling experiences, and we’re only half way through the year!…

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