Tivnu thanks these foundations, which have supported our work:
- Crown Family Philanthropies
- Gimprich Family Foundation
- The Gottesman Fund
- Holzman Foundation
- Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation
- The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
- The Jewish Social Change Matching Fund of the Jewish Funders Network
- The Joshua Venture Group
- Leonard & Lois Schnitzer Charitable Supporting Foundation of the OJCF
- Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah
- Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund
- Meyer Memorial Trust
- Nathan Cogen Family Fund of the OJCF
- Oregon Community Foundation
- The Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Giving Circle
- The Oregon Jewish Community Youth Foundation
- UpStart Foundation
- Zidell Family Foundation
Thank you to the educators, activists, rabbis, and Jewish community professionals who support Tivnu: Building Justice. The insights and energy of this community enrich our program and further its growth.
- Vicki Abeles, Director, Race to Nowhere and Beyond Measure
- Rabbi Ruth Abusch-Magder, PhD, Be-chol Lashon, Rabbis without Borders Fellow
- Merrill Alpert, Far West Region USY
- Rabbi Jeff Amshalem, Senior Educator, Ayeka
- Rabbi Sarah Bassin, Temple Beth Emanuel
- Tobin Belzer, Contributing Fellow at Center for Religion and Civic Culture, University of Southern California
- Jamie Beran, Bend the Arc
- Rabbi Daniel Brenner, Moving Traditions
- Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb, Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation
- Gary Dreiblatt, Abraham Joshua Heschel School
- Abigail Falik, Global Citizen Year
- Dr. Pinchas Giller, American Jewish University, Chair, Jewish Studies Department
- Laila Goodman, Gann Academy
- Tresa Grauer, Ph.D., Jewish Reconstructionist Communities
- Leslie Grossman, Director of Admissions, Oak Meadow School
- Andrea Hodos, Moving Torah & NewGround
- Prof. Amy Hungerford, Yale University
- Rabbi Rachel Joseph, Congregation Beth Israel
- Rachel Kest, Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester
- Cantor Becky Khitrik, Temple Beth Zion
- Dr. Helen Kim, Whitman College, Department of Sociology
- Max Klau, City Year, Inc.
- Idit Klein, Keshet
- Dr. Jeffrey Kress, Jewish Theological Seminary, School of Jewish Education
- Michelle Lackie, Weinberg Tzedek Hillel
- Rabbi Gilah Langner, Kol Ami Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community
- Noah Leavitt, Chair, Walla Walla Council on Homelessness
- Abby Levine, Jewish Social Justice Roundtable
- Rabbi Judd Kruger Levingston, PhD, Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy, Director of Jewish Studies
- Julie Lythcott-Haims, Author, How to Raise an Adult
- Aaron Mandel, Camp Tawonga
- Or Mars, Wexner Graduate Fellowship
- Ruth Messinger, Global Ambassador, American Jewish World Service
- Eric Mlyn, Ph.D., DukeEngage
- Nati Passow, Jewish Farm School
- Daniel Petter-Lipstein, Jewish Montessori Society, Chief Love Officer
- Ami Petter-Lipstein, Jewish Montessori Society, Executive Director
- Rabbi James Ponet, Yale University, Jewish Chaplain Emeritus
- Rabbi Eve Posen, Congregation Neveh Shalom
- Prof. Rob Reich, Stanford University, Director, Center for Ethics in Society
- Rabbi Joshua Rose, Co/Lab: Re-imagine Jewish
- Rabbi David Rosenn, Hebrew Free Loan Society
- Steven D. Rudman, Home Forward
- Rabbi Stephanie Ruskay, Jewish Theological Seminary
- Shamu Fenyvesi Sadeh, Ph.D., Adamah
- Rabbi Isaac Saposnik, Camp Havaya
- Rabbi Sid Schwarz, Clal & PANIM
- Sara Shapiro-Plevan, Rimonim Consulting
- Prof. Nancy Sinkoff, Rutgers University, Depts. of History & Jewish Studies
- Rabbi Abby Sosland, Schechter Westchester, Spiritual Advisor
- Jodi Sperling, Camp Kingswood
- Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett, Temple Beth Abraham
- Rabbi Toba Spitzer, Congregation Dorshei Tzedkek
- Professor Alon Tal, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Rabbi Ronit Tsadok, IKAR
- Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, Chizuk Amuno Congregation
- Dr. Jonathon Weiler, University of Northern Carolina at Chapel Hill
- David Weinstein, Camp Tel Yehudah, Young Judaea
Taking a gap year in the US can be as meaningful as doing one abroad.