Our Connected Community
Always active, always relevant
Explore our Community
Portland has a million ways to spend an exciting, meaningful year, even on top of Tivnu’s internships, trips, and programs. And the social landscape here is always changing.

Tying Tivnu to the Portland Community
We’ll stay plugged in to the most important developments, from new ballot initiatives to emerging community events. The world comes up with new challenges every year. Our commitment to a living, dynamic gap year program, though? It’s rock-steady.
Making Change
Sometimes change happens in the streets, and sometimes in the halls of the capitol. When our community faces important fights over legislation, we knock on doors and meet with political leaders. Tivnu has canvassed for immigrant rights, health care access, and eliminating racial profiling. We’ve registered a lot of voters. Our allies need partners, and Tivnu participants are showing up.

Building Jewish Portland
Sometimes Tivnu gets to lead the Portland Jewish community, and gets to learn from it, too. The person you sing with at Rosh HaShanah in the Woods might have kids at the day school where you built the community garden. Or maybe you’ll be part of the team they call in to teach a Hebrew School class to build planter boxes for the homeless camp. And whatever your musical taste or Jewish style, you’ll want to join other Tivnuniks for the punk rock marching band’s Purim parade.
Talking, Listening, and Laughing
Sometimes we wear our hearts on our sleeves at Tivnu. We’ve been a proud and visible presence at the rallies for housing access and against gun violence. We join the activist community at MLK day and the Interfaith Seder. And in more intimate settings, too, like at the Hands Up / Don’t Shoot talk-back, or Queer Comedy Night at the downtown club.

Taking a gap year in the US can be as meaningful as doing one abroad.