Today I Learned…

Over the last few days I was able to revel in my love of soccer. On Wednesday we attended a Portland Timbers game. I was surprised to learn that the people of Portland are die hard soccer fans. …

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What Did You Eat For Breakfast?

As we sat down with a group of high school students from Woodburn, Oregon, a predominately Hispanic town, we were asked an icebreaker question that I had never thought to be such a quintessential part of what makes us so distinct from one another. …

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A New Internship Experience at Clackamas High School

Three weeks ago, I took on another internship. I really enjoyed the work on the worksite, but I found that I was struggling to see how the little tasks I was doing were essential to the bigger picture. I knew that they were important; I just couldn’t feel it….

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This week in Tivnu

On Wednesday, Tivnu decided to go to the Columbia River Gorge for a group hike to Angel’s Rest, as part of the new hiking regime and in celebration of Tu B’shvat. It seemed like we had a real need for speed since we climbed the mountain really quickly, despite the high winds….

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Hereeeeeee’s Johnny

A few weekends ago we went on a little 3-day trip to one of the main Oregon mountains, Mount Hood. A little getaway is always nice, but I especially had a good time on this one….

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Tivnu Holiday Blogpost

I went to three holiday parties this week. At each one I served in a different capacity and at each one I had a vastly different experience….

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JOIN: Connecting the street to a home

JOIN is a Portland based organization that caters to it’s homeless community. At JOIN, you can take a shower, grab some clothes of your choice, get a laundry voucher, eat some breakfast and lunch, get your mail, use the phone, get haircuts, have a room to play with your kids, and even get acupuncture treatments….

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Monday Internship Observations

One of the many questions that I have while interning at JOIN (a non profit homeless aid organization that hands out supplies such as food and clothes to those in need) is ,“Can I see an outreach worker to help pay rent or to help figure out how to get a job?”…

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