First Threevnu Blogpost

My name is Ayla, and I am excited to be writing the first blog post of the year. I am one of the participants of the third year of Tivnu (aka Threevnu). …

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Goodbye and Thanks

As you might know, this year’s Tivnu gap year came to an end on Tuesday the 24th, so it’s time for the participants to go home. Although we are all sad that Tivnu is ending for us, it is time to go on with life….

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Tivnu Trip to Seattle

On Monday March 14, the entire Tivnu group took a trip to Seattle. We started planning weeks in advance, deciding as a group where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do. It’s awesome that we get to take trips and see parts of the Pacific Northwest I might not have visited otherwise….

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A Shabbat at University of Oregon

On February 26, we took a trip to Eugene, Oregon to get to know some college students over Shabbat. Despite a long drive in rainy weather, everyone was in good spirits and happy to go to Eugene to get to know some college students. …

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What I Think Tivnu is All About

I have had the great privilege of representing Tivnu as a current participant at a bunch of cool events. Most recently, I got to go to a huge BBYO International Convention (basically, just a couple thousand Jewish high schoolers in one place) out in Baltimore! …

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Engaging in Social Jew-stice

A few weeks ago, I spoke at my mom’s shul about my experiences as an AVODAH corps member and as an employee of Tivnu. I spoke some about my own Jewish journey: about my childhood in the Jewish community of the Greater Chicago Area, about my early interest in social change, including my role as my high school youth group’s Social Action Vice President….

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Reflections on the First Half of Tivnu

I am learning many new things at Tivnu. I am learning a lot about wealth and poverty in the U.S. through all of our educational sessions. For example, I got to tour Dignity Village, a community for people experiencing homeless….

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Sukkot at Opal Creek

After building a beautiful sukkah in our backyard using lumber lent to us by the ReBuilding Center and helping both Havurah Shalom (Portland’s Reconstructionist Synagogue) and Chabad build their sukkot, we dumped our stuff in the trunk and piled into the van….

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