Welcome Threevnu Participants!

Our third cohort of Tivnu Gap Year participants comes from California, Illinois, Maryland, New York, and Oregon. They are excited to join the Tivnu: Building Justice Gap Year Program for lots of different reasons: camping and hiking in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, working directly with people who can benefit from their skills – as teachers, gardeners, and cooks – and from whom they learn, as well, living together in a Jewish home, building skills and affordable homes with Habitat for Humanity, and much more.
The 2016-17 Tivnuniks are getting to know Portland, too, from an exciting Thorns FC game to watching thousands of Vaux’s swifts roost in a local chimney to sampling coffee from some of Portland’s many coffee shops.

Noah and Yoni get serious at tool training

PDX pride (To the tune of “I Love Rock n Roll”):
We love Portland Thorns!
Put another goal past the keeper baby!
We love Portland Thorns!
Score another goal for the Rose City!

For more about the start of Tivnu Three and the big camping and hiking trip, read participant Ayla’s blogpost.
Tivnu & JCC Association Form New Partnership

Tivnu: Building Justice is very excited to debut a new relationship with the Jewish Community Center Association. Exceptional JCC-affiliated applicants and alumni of JCCA camps can become JCC/Tivnu Fellows, earning one of three $5,000 scholarships to the program. A $1,000 discount is also available for the next ten applicants. Program benefits include priority internship placements and training for potential opportunities at their summer camps and JCCs, to put their Tivnu experience into action at home. Additional need-based tuition assistance is available, as well.
Tivnu Presents at “Service Matters” Summit

Tivnu Founding Executive Director, Steve Eisenbach-Budner, led a workshop at the inaugural “Service Matters: A Summit on Jewish Service,” held in New York on September 15, 2016. The summit brought together a diverse group of professionals, social entrepreneurs, current and prospective funders, Jewish educators, and others working to engage people in meaningful service through a Jewish lens.
Steve’s workshop addressed the challenge of making service work more powerful for Jewish teens and more impactful for the people with whom we’re working, and shared the successes Tivnu has had in that arena. Other speakers and sessions explored innovations in service, how service relates to justice, how service relates to faith, the funding of service initiatives, and the overall state of the Jewish service field today.

Happy New Year from Tivnu: Building Justice
The start of a new year is a great time to consider joining the 2017-18 Tivnu Gap Year cohort. Are you or someone you know ready to discover, learn, create, explore, and build with Tivnu in Portland? See our website or contact Program Director Adinah Miller for more information.
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Taking a gap year in the US can be as meaningful as doing one abroad.