by Shoshana Sefia
What struck me about going on Tivnu’s camping trip was that I originally thought it would be extremely difficult. I thought we’d have to sleep on the ground, or fish for your own food. Because this is a gap year program focused on construction work and building, I had imagined camping in a much harder way.
But oddly enough, camping came much easier than I had expected. Our group of twelve people had our own cute campsite full of tents, cooking materials, and a nice open cabin to hibernate in. Oh boy, was I looking forward to this trip!
Most memorable to me was hiking up the mountain to see a beautiful view of Mt. Hood. Being a slower hiker than the rest of the group, my friend and I took a wrong turn and got lost in the woods on the way down from the hike. But as I was lost, I always tried to have a positive attitude. It was definitely scary, but I continually thought about the comfort of seeing familiar faces and being home with the group, and felt reassured by my friend who I could share this experience with.
Positivity can make such a big impact on ones self. It has the ability to shift perspective and change a bad situation into something new and rewarding. Going on this camping trip pushed my strengths and made me a better me. With the group bonding and time for individual reflection and awareness, I pushed myself to do challenging things. Even though I wasn’t as fast as everyone I still made it to the finish line.
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