Tivnu: All Grown Up

A Taste of Tivnu for Adults

“As adults, we have so few opportunities to explore how we can make the world a better place! I am so excited to experience a taste of what my daughter encountered on her Tivnu Gap Year.”

— David de Graaf, Tivnu parent

A Taste of Tivnu- for Adults

No time to become a master carpenter, an activist hero, and a Pinot Noir expert?

For five days, join us for the best of Tivnu: Building Justice and experience all three!

You don’t have to be a Tivnu Gap Year participant to learn to swing a hammer and help build a community — at least, not anymore! We’d love for you to join us June 15-19 for the best of Tivnu: hands-on work at places like Hazelnut Grove tiny house village, conversations with our favorite inspiring young activists, and exploring the amazing beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Not to mention a good local Pinot Noir after work. There are some things we don’t get to share with the gap year kids!


Sunday, June 15 - Thursday, June 19, 2025



Children age 16-17 (must be accompanied by an adult): $750

$360 for Jewish communal professionals

Financial assistance available: contact steve@tivnu.org


April 1, 2025

All program costs, materials, and certified kosher meals are included in the $875 program fee.

Dietary needs beyond kashrut happily accommodated.

Take advantage of our group rate for lodging at the Holiday Inn Express on NW Vaughn (promo code TIVNU), or make arrangements at a local AirBnB or hotel of your choice. We may be able to arrange a home stay as well — talk to us.

Please be in touch before you make travel arrangements to Portland.

Sample Daily Schedule
Early Morning Eat breakfast, go for a run, enjoy meditative prayers in a nearby park
Morning- Early Afternoon Hands-on volunteer work at a local tiny house village or urban farm, guided by our trainers and working alongside community members
Late afternoon Explore Powell’s City of Books, the world’s largest independent bookstore
After dinner Film screening and discussion with houseless youth filmmakers from Outside the Frame

Just Added! Add a day-long guided rafting adventure on the Deschutes River on Friday, June 20! Experience a whole other side of the Northwest. Additional fee: $125/person.

Have questions about this program?

Contact Steve with any questions